Do Solar Panels Work in the Winter - Nature's Generator

Do Solar Panels Work in the Winter

Winter is coming! Wondering if solar panels work in the winter? This article will explain how solar energy systems perform even in colder months.
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During the last days of 2022, everyone was busy creating holiday plans until a winter storm called Elliot brought about two-thirds of the country to sub-freezing temperatures. It also placed more than 1.5 million homes and business owners with no access to electricity as refineries had to close because of the cold temperature.

Additionally, according to the recent report released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), 1,702 generating units experienced a total of 3,565 failures or outages. And, 825 of these units rely on natural gas to generate energy.

With the recent winter storm and federal report, it's natural to think about future-proofing your home, especially in the cold season. Wondering do solar panels work in the winter ? The answer is yes, solar energy systems can still generate power even in colder months, ensuring your home stays prepared year-round.

Winterproof your home through solar panels

A way to winterproof your home is by having your own solar power system at home. If you’re a bit skeptical if solar panels would even work during the winter season, the answer is yes. 

Do solar panels work in the cold weather? Yes, this is because solar panels collect sunlight and not the sun’s heat. As long as the panels are optimally installed at locations where they can have access and exposure to the sun, they will produce electricity. As a matter of fact, cold climates are great for solar panel efficiency. 

To fully utilize the sun’s gift, having a solar battery like Nature’s Generator will help in storing electricity, giving people the ability to use solar energy even at night.

Does solar power work in the winter? Learn the difference

As a quick refresher, solar panels work when the sun’s photon particles hit its surface, and the electrons in the panel are activated. This process would generate the electric current which is moved to your home’s electric distribution box. And, by having a battery backup like Nature’s Generator, you’re able to take advantage of solar panels' full potential. 

This is because you’re still able to utilize the power of the sun at night time or when the sunlight is low as it’s going to collect energy and store electricity for your household.

Nature’s Generator got you covered with your power needs. The Powerhouse 120V/240V 7200W is a great option if you need more energy to make sure that you have all your comforts covered. But if you have questions, you may visit this link or contact us.

So what makes things different when using your solar panels during winter?

The cooler temperature.

Remember, the performance of solar panels decreases when they go over their peak temperature. And, since it’s cold, solar panels are less likely to achieve this state to affect their efficiency.

Do they work even when covered by snow or when it's raining?

Even if it rains or snows, solar panels will continue to work. 

While solar panels work best with direct sunlight, the indirect sunlight they get can still generate electricity but at a lower rate compared to when having full access to the sun. since the density of the cloud cover plays a role in this. 

You can consider the rain as your cleaner and efficiency agent as water washes away any dust that’s blocking the surfaces. This meant that the panels had to work less to produce electricity. 

As for snow, your panels should work just fine.

Most panels are installed at a specific angle (30 to 45 degrees), so snow won’t accumulate easily. Not to mention that the panel’s dark and reflective glass would quickly melt the snow before affecting its performance. As a matter of fact, “Sometimes snow actually helps solar cells,” says Michigan Tech, Joshua Pearce.

As a word of advice, don’t panic when your panels are heavily covered by snow. Solar panels are made to withstand heavy weather and snow piles. Clearing them on your own may cause damage, just stay indoors and wait for the sun to come out and do its job. But if you really have to remove the snow, be careful. Refrain from using a metal rake. Use a roof rake that has a soft head. You may also use a leaf blower since it emits warm air to make the snow melt faster.

Solar Panel Care During the Winter Season 101

Solar panels are a good investment. But like any part of one’s home, it’s important to do proper maintenance. Below are some tips to keep in mind to make sure that you take full advantage of solar panels’ capabilities: 

  • If you’re living in an area that experiences heavy snowfall, you may want to install snow guards on your panels to prevent snow build-up. 
  • Angle your solar panels correctly. This ensures that you receive optimal sunlight. As noted above, the rule of thumb is 30-45 degrees.
  • Use energy-efficient appliances to get the most out of your solar energy system. 
  • Look at your home’s insulation. Poor insulation means that more heat will go out which means more effort on your electric system and costs more money. 
  • Work with an expert installer to ensure that your solar panels and solar energy systems are working properly and efficiently.
Winter is coming…

But it won’t stop solar panels from doing what they do best —--- produce electricity. 

If you're unsure about installing solar panels with winter approaching, remember that they are a long-term investment, not just for winter. Do solar panels work in the winter? Yes, they do! Solar panels can generate power year-round, regardless of the season. After winter, summer brings its own challenges, such as grid issues due to heat. But with your own solar panels and battery backup, you'll be prepared and worry-free, no matter what the season brings.





 * We want to give credit where credit is due. Professional writer, Cris Ilao, contributed research and content to this blog titled: Do Solar Panels Work in the Winter Thank you, Cris, for your contributions!