How Hot do Solar Panels Get - Nature's Generator

How Hot do Solar Panels Get

Solar panels, just like any other electronic device, operate at maximum efficiency when the conditions are right. In this article we'll talk about their optimal temperature, factors that affecting them, and how to get the right solar setup for you.
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Solar energy or the energy coming from the sun has become one of the most commonly used alternative energy sources on the planet these days. It is clean, creates no carbon emission and most importantly, as long as there’s sunshine, you can harness solar power as much as you can.

Just How Hot do Solar Panels Actually Get?

A temperature of 25°C (77°F) is considered as the peak of optimum temperature range of PV solar panels. This means that this is the perfect temperature for the solar panels to absorb sunlight and convert it to electricity at maximum efficiency.

During the summer season, solar panels can reach temperatures of up to 65°C (149°F) under direct sunlight and it can even shoot up higher on extra hot days. This high temperature can decreased solar panel efficiency which leads to reduced energy production.

Good thing is that there are several ways to lessen this adverse impact on solar panels which we are going to tackle a little bit more as you read further.

Temperature Coefficient

Since we mentioned earlier that higher temperatures can actually have an effect on the efficiency of solar panels, let’s discuss this some more by talking about temperature coefficient.

The temperature coefficient is a measure of how much the efficiency of a solar panel decreases for every degree Celsius that the temperature rises. Solar panels with a low temperature coefficient will be less affected by heat and will therefore produce more electricity in hot environments.

Let us take this for example - If you have solar panels with an efficiency rating of 18 percent and a temperature coefficient of -0.30, your panels will drop 0.30% of their efficiency for every degree above 25 °C. If the surface temperature of your roof increases to 28 °C (82 °F), your solar panel’s efficiency will drop to 17.8 percent. If it rises to 32 °C (90 °F), efficiency drops to 17.6 percent.

As you can see, even if the temperature has gone 7 degrees higher, from 25 °C to 32 °C, only a 0.4% difference was noted in the efficiency rating from 18% to 17.6%. Very minimal reduction in efficiency despite the increased thermal condition.

Factors that Affect Solar Panels Temperature

We now know that higher temperatures can lead to decreased solar panel efficiency. The next thing we need to understand now are the factors that affect solar panel temperature. This is so it can give you an idea on what you can do and control to determine the best case scenario for your panels.

Air Temperature
As the air temperature around a solar panel increases, the temperature of the panel also rises. This is because the heat from the air is transferred to the panel. Proper ventilation is key so that hot air is not stuck between the roof and the solar panel when the weather gets too hot. 

Proximity to the Equator
Places that are closer to the equator receive more direct sunlight than those who are further away from it. Solar panels in locations that are closer to the equator receive more direct sunlight making them more prone to elevated temperatures that can affect solar panel efficiency.

Level of Direct Sunlight
The amount of direct sunlight that the solar panels receive will also affect their temperature. The more direct sunlight the panels receive, the hotter they will become. This is because direct sunlight contains more heat energy than scattered sunlight.

Roof Material
Solar panels that are installed on dark-colored roofs will become hotter than solar panels that are installed on light-colored roofs. This is because dark-colored materials absorb more sunlight than light-colored materials. If you are located in an area that has generally hot weather, a light-colored roof could be a better choice for you to prevent panels from overheating. The opposite then goes if you are in a generally colder place with less sun exposure all year long. A dark-colored roof is your best bet if you’d like maximum efficiency from solar panels.

Solar Panel Overheat Prevention Tips

Now that we know that solar panel efficiency gets greatly affected in high temperatures, let us find out what are the steps that can be done in order to minimize this.

  • Install solar panels on a south-facing roof.
The south direction is the direction going towards the equator, where the sun’s position is high in the sky which means, you will be able to get the most amount of sunlight in that angle

  • Use a solar panel mounting system with good ventilation. 
Mounting the solar panels a few inches above the roof to allow air to travel in the gap and move heat away from the modules.

  • Get a solar panel with a low temperature coefficient.
Remember, solar panels with low temperature coefficient mean their efficiency will less likely to get affected as temperature goes higher.

  • Keep the panels clean and debris-free.
Making sure that your solar panels are clean and free from debris will not only provide maximized area for solar energy collection but it will also allow air to flow freely keeping the panels ventilated.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your solar panels are operating at their peak efficiency and providing you with years of clean, renewable energy.

Get the Right Solar Setup for You

As the solar industry continues to grow over the years, more and more solar panel options are becoming available for everyone to use. Don’t forget to bear in mind though that choosing the right solar set up for your needs may take a little to a lot of browsing and researching first to ensure that you’re getting the value of your money and more importantly, your choice will be able to address your power requirements.

One of the most reliable brands out there is Nature’s Generator. Over the years, they have developed solar powered products that address different consumer needs.

Just recently, they’ve launched Powerhouse, the first ever solar generator able to power your entire house. This is their offering to those who are tired of paying high electric bills and are in constant headache due to the increasing frequency of power outages in the country.


Solar panels, just like any other electronic device, operate at maximum efficiency when the conditions are right. Just because they are designed to collect energy from the sun doesn’t mean they are not affected when the temperature gets too hot. Solar panel performance declines  as they get hot - increased heat comes with decreased power output.

Getting the right type of solar panel for your needs and following best practices when installing and maintaining them will help you get the most out of this solar power collector.



* We want to give credit where credit is due. Professional writer, Ann Matthew, contributed research and content to this blog titled: How Hot do Solar Panels Get Thank you, Ann, for your contributions!