Since most Solar panel systems come in an all-in-package like a solar-powered generator, one of the most important considerations that are often overlooked is the individual component of the system. One example of such is the type of inverter being used.
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The demand for solar power energy is continuously rising for so many obvious reasons: it’s natural, clean, renewable, and practically free. However, with all the available options in the market, it is really important to do some research before purchasing your own Solar Panel System. More often than not, our evaluations are based mainly on the price and the product reviews. Since most Solar panel systems come in an all-in-package like a solar-powered generator, one of the most important considerations that are often overlooked is the individual component of the system. One example of such is the type of inverter being used. This article will give you an understanding of the kind of inverters to help you decide what suits your needs


An inverter or solar inverter is an essential component of every Solar Panel System which is responsible for converting the direct current (DC) - the power captured by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) - the power needed by your home appliances to be able to perform their function.

It goes without saying that without an inverter, you will not be able to use the energy from your solar system to power up your home appliances or electronics that cannot directly use battery power.

There are two types of sine wave inverters available in the market:

  1. Pure Sine Wave Inverters
  2. Modified Sine Wave Inverters

Both inverters perform the same job - taking the DC input from a power source such as battery and then transforming it to an AC output voltage. 

The difference starts with the technical characteristics of the sine waves produced:

A pure sine wave inverter is a steady, continuous wave that provides a smooth, periodic oscillation, because of this characteristic, pure sine wave inverters produce accurate power conversion resulting in a clean and consistent power supply. 

A modified sine wave inverter, on the other hand, is the type of sine wave that is the easiest to produce, but the signal it creates is less smooth as compared to the pure sine wave as it switches abruptly from positive to negative polarity, it is because of this that a modified sine wave inverter is subject to power fluctuations. 

To visualize the difference, a pure sine wave is a smooth wave while a modified sine wave looks like a series of up and down stair-steps, square pattern (see image below)

Pure Sine Wave vs Modified Sine Wave


Now that the technical side has been discussed, let’s jump into the practical side of things. Let’s compare and contrast the types based on these: Electromagnetic Interference, Initial Cost, Cost Effectiveness, and Overall Efficiency.




Electromagnetic Interference

•Low harmonic distortion
•Very quiet
•No interference at all

•Additional harmonics
•May result in buzzing sounds on light bulbs, clocks and audio devices such as radios

Initial Cost

•More costly to produce hence, price is much higher

•Easier to produce and has less components making it cheaper to buy


•Efficiency justifies the price and will likely to be very cost-effective in the long run considering the savings one can make

•Since it’s not very costly, the level of efficiency it delivers is reasonable

Overall Efficiency

•produces smooth waves and clean signals that are similar to your home power outlet.
•minimized power loss, meaning the power produced is being used by the device, and very little to none is wasted.
•can be used by all home appliances, even sensitive electronics.

•produces rough waves which cause the inverter to be unable to run less efficiently.
•uses more power to be able to work at full capacity, which could cause a buildup of excess heat that may cause damage to the inverter or home appliances.
•may not work well with some devices, may even damage some


To have a mental image of how different pure sine and modified sine waves work, imagine a bicycle with octagon wheels, the ride will be slow, rough and needs more effort as compared to a bicycle with perfectly round tires - it will be smooth, fast and easy.


Again, it will all boil down to your needs. To give you an idea, here is a list of examples of devices that can run on modified sine waves and ones that can only run efficiently and safely on pure sine waves:


        PURE SINE WAVE        

        MODIFIED SINE WAVE        

Old tube TVs

Water pumps


Electric kettles

Water heater

Light bulbs

but will have buzzing noises

Laptops/cell phones

but will shorten battery life span



Fluorescent lights

New Model TVs

Laser printers


In summary, if you will use the solar inverter for devices that do not use a variable speed motor and are not delicate, a modified sine wave inverter will suffice.

However, if you will use your solar panel system as an alternative or backup power for your home and you need to power up sensitive devices, audio devices, those that use electronic ballasts and induction-type technology, or delicate medical equipment, then a pure sine wave inverter is highly advised.


Nature’s Solar Generators come with pure sine wave inverters which makes it a perfect choice if you are looking for a power source for an off-grid lifestyle or looking for a home power backup. This will ensure that you can use all your devices efficiently without the risk of damage caused by residual heat from the inverters. There are different packages for every kind of solar power need:

Nature’s Generator - Gold System 

Has a maximum output power of 1800W and can power up basic household appliances and devices for hours - perfect for an off-grid adventure or a backup for unexpected power interruptions

Nature’s Generator Elite

Doubles the capacity of the Gold System at the same charge with a 3600W maximum output. More power supply for longer hours.

Nature’s Generator Powerhouse 

Boasting a 7200W power output, keeping multiple household items running efficiently for longer periods of time. Provides convenience to off-grid living and comfort during extended power outages. 


Modified sine wave inverters are cheaper but their efficiency is only good enough for non-delicate devices. On the other hand, pure sine wave inverters are the most costly but they can power up all home and delicate appliances as efficiently and as safely as a home or office outlet could.

If you need more information on sine wave inverters and solar generators, we will be happy to answer all your questions, just contact our Support Team.



* We want to give credit where credit is due. Professional writer, Grace Vega, contributed research and content to this blog titled: Pure Sine Wave vs Modified Sine Wave Inverters Thank you, Grace, for your contributions!