Tiny House Kits - Nature's Generator

Tiny House Kits

Know the pros and cons of buying a tiny house kit and learn how you can incorporate self-sufficient power systems in them.

Hand in hand with the rise of minimalism and the concept of “less is more”, the concept of Tiny House Kits is becoming a home revolution for many. The concept has been really popular in recent years and there is even a Netflix show about it (Tiny House Nation) and millions of Instagram posts with the hashtag #tinyhouse. Note that the concept of tiny houses is not only appealing to the millennials but has also been a downsizing solution for seniors, as it could allow easy living. It has also now become a trend for vacation rentals with even the likes of multibillionaire Elon Musk renting a “homey” one in Texas.

So what is exactly a tiny house kit?

Tiny house kits are literally what the term is, it is a home that is significantly smaller than the usual house. The term can also be interchangeably used with “micro-house”. If the typical size of a home in the United States is around 2,600 square feet, a tiny house kit is a home that is under 400 square feet. It could either be built on a set foundation or a trailer. It could be rented or owned.

Interestingly, you can purchase a tiny house kit on Amazon or other sites (think of it as a “mail-order home”) or you could also opt to build it DIY-style. There is a wide array of choices, from contemporary to traditional styles with different forms and shapes to choose from. But of course, the concept remains the same, which is downsizing the space that you live in, having a simpler and more efficient way of living, and enjoying the freedom that comes with the tiny house kit lifestyle.

When did the tiny-house kits start?

Just a quick look back in history – though it has become popular in the past decade, the modern movement of tiny homes started around the 1970s with artists/pioneers like Allan Wexler, Lloyd Kahn, and Lester Walker exploring the idea.

It is also worth mentioning that Henry David Thoreau was also often quoted as an inspiration for a simpler life with his book “The Walden Pond” (1845). The popular quote “A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.” is often highlighted by many minimalists. More than a hundred years later, his concerns were addressed and we are now seeing the shift in our country when it comes to downsizing the way of our living, and one way is through living in tiny houses.

Is living in tiny house kits for everyone?

For several years now, the concept of living in tiny house kits is shown in a different light.

More than the goal of simple living or a minimalist lifestyle, it has now become an option to achieve economic stability, sustainability, and flexibility. In addition, it has also tapped into many individuals who are concerned about reducing their carbon footprint and achieving self-sufficiency when it comes to bills, especially mortgage and electric bills. But as always, there are two sides to a coin and different realities to consider.

So if you are still deciding whether living in a tiny home is for you, let’s look into the pros and cons of tiny homes before you take the plunge:

Pro: Affordable Housing

This is probably the number one reason for many – affordability. If you compare it with traditional homes, tiny house kits won’t break the bank. Materials are readily available and easy to build, whether you choose to purchase a pre-built or build it by yourself from scratch.

A small house = smaller investment, so it is no wonder that 63% of millennials would consider purchasing tiny houses (Property Management) with their student loan debts and skyrocketing prices of real estate. On top of that, the pandemic also had individuals rethinking how to go around their finances, and tiny house kits are a great fit for their requirements. According to Technavio’s report, the tiny homes market size is expected to rise by more than 3 billion between 2021 and 2026 globally with affordability as the main propelling factor.

Did you know that for as low as $25,000, you can already purchase a well-equipped tiny house?

Con: You have to downsize

A reality check is you probably have to dispose of most of your furniture and personal items if you decide to go for tiny house kits. Living in a tiny house means careful thinking of what are the essentials. You have to make use of your space smartly hence multi-purpose furniture and the like are a must.

Less personal space (if you are not living alone) and less storage space might be a challenge but if you are ready to go Marie Kondo on your things and lifestyle, then living in a tiny house won’t be an issue.

Pro: Eco-friendly and self-sustainability option

One of the key features of tiny houses is that they promote the use of renewable resources. Owners have the option to live completely off-grid depending on the system that they are using to power up their homes.

Tiny houses have fewer wiring and electrical devices than traditional houses, with this, owners are empowered to completely detach themselves from the usual power sources. So if you are tired of seeing monthly electric bills, then this is the way to go.

To power up your house, you can use generators, wind turbines, and solar panels. One highly recommended company that you can check out is Nature’s Generator with its flagship products – Nature Generator’s Gold System, Nature Generator’s Elite, and Powerhouse (this system is highly recommended as it can single-handedly meet all of your tiny house’s power requirements). Note that these solar generators could be used anywhere and are powered up by the company’s own power panels and wind turbines.

What’s great about these products is that they enable owners to expand and grow their systems according to their specific needs. For example, you can add solar panels, wind turbines, security camera systems, and more.

Nature’s Generator products are guaranteed to have seamless integration capabilities, and by simply adding a Nature’s Generator Transfer Switch to your system or home, independent generation of power, power storage, and backup power is all in your hands. Also, these generators do not use gas to run, so they can be blended in the interior of the house and be used indoors, as they do not emit any toxic fumes, unlike gas generators. Plus points are that they are also ultra-quiet when used.

Having a self-sufficient power system is essential to any tiny house as it will allow homeowners more flexibility – no need to look for power sources to link into and you have the choice to expand your system according to your electricity consumption.

Electricity is tricky, but having these pre-fitted power kits also makes it easier for you to power up your home. For more information, click on the individual product link or you can also contact support directly via (800) 975-7909, or email support@naturesgenerator.com so that they can help you with the best kit that will fit your tiny house’s requirements.

Con: Careful as your tiny house may not abide by local codes and zoning laws

Location can be an issue. So before you start building your dream tiny house, make sure to check your local codes and zoning codes, as in some cities, it could be considered illegal.

In addition, we also have to highlight that there are no building codes yet specifically for tiny houses, so safety standards could be an issue (so you have to make sure that you have the right supplier of tiny house kit or a knowledgeable builder).

Pro: Freedom to move anytime you want

As they say, the world is your oyster. If your tiny house is on wheels, then it will give you the option for mobility. This is especially perfect for individuals who love to travel or have a flexible job that allows them to move from one place to another.

Con: It could mean extra work

If you have your tiny house on wheels, one of the issues that you will surely face is dumping sewage and water supply. Remember, traditional plumbing or septic tanks may not be part of the deal. Although depending on where you are, homeowners could connect to the local water and sewage stations, but if not, make sure to research well so that you’ll know how to handle waste and have a steady supply of clean water e.g., learn about composting toilets

Final Take:

Living in tiny houses is not for everyone, as some will find it a bit limiting. However, if you are open to adjustments, there are a lot of positive sides to living in one. The tiny houses provide people with an alternative to have a simpler life, more financial freedom, and an eco-friendly and self-sufficient choice. In addition, it is easy to acquire one with tiny house kits available for purchase with different types and price ranges to suit your requirements.

If you are keen on purchasing a tiny house kit, consider the pros and cons above, and as with everything else, always apply due diligence before making the decision. Goodluck!


* We want to give credit where credit is due. Professional writer, Michelle Gamana, contributed research and content to this blog titled: Tiny House Kits Thank you, Michelle, for your contributions!