Are Solar Panels Worth It in Texas? - Nature's Generator

Are Solar Panels Worth It in Texas?

Read this article to learn more!

Are solar panels worth it in Texas?” is one of the frequently asked questions of people who are thinking about using this alternative source of energy either for their homes or for their businesses.

The short answer to that is “Yes.” but that wouldn’t really help anyone make the right decision since the reasoning behind the response was not shared and properly explained. So, let’s go ahead and find out why solar panels are indeed worth it in Texas.
The Power of the Sun in the State of Texas
With an average annual temperature of 65.8°F (18.8°C), Texas is considered as the fourth hottest state in the US. Enjoying a daily average of almost 5 hours of peak sun hours, the second largest state in the country is primed for solar energy.
Now since the state receives an above average peak sun hours, it just makes total sense to harness this type of energy and use it as an alternative source of power. Any building structure that’s hooked up to a solar power system will not have to worry about their electric bill shooting up or losing power when the weather gets extreme.
Not only that, the Texas government has decided to offer solar incentives and discounts to residents who are using solar power as an alternate source of electricity. This gives all the more  reason for a lot of people to switch to solar energy either as their main or backup power source.
Lastly, solar energy is renewable, will not cost you a single cent, easy to harness, unlimited and clean. Anyone using this type of energy will surely be pleased by the savings they get from lower electric bills and not having to spend gas for fuel powered generators and at the same time appreciate their contribution to reducing the carbon footprint on the planet. 
Things to Consider Before Buying Solar Panels
Once you have made up your mind and decided that solar power is the way to go, below are the things that you should consider before buying solar panels.
Home Ownership

If you are the homeowner, you wouldn’t really have any problem if you ever decide to invest in solar power solutions. However, if you are a renter, the situation becomes a little bit complicated since you will have to ask permission from the homeowner first if it’s okay to install solar panels on their property. Aside from that, you will have to discuss with them the initial costs involved such as installation fee and actual cost of the system to see if they’re willing to share the expenses with you or not.

While you can install solar panels just about anywhere the sunlight hits, it is still important to take into consideration the location of your house and if there are possible obstructions such as trees or neighboring structures that may affect the amount of sunlight your solar panels can receive. This does not necessarily mean that solar panels are not worth it anymore. This only means that you just have to be prepared to make some adjustments to your property to maximize the full potential of the panels.
Cost Effectiveness

Solar panels are indeed a great alternative source of power but before getting one, it is important to identify how you are planning to use it. There are different types of solar power systems depending on your needs so buying the right kind is crucial. Currently, there are three types of solar power system: grid-tied, off-grid and hybrid. 
Your Checklist when Buying a Solar Power System
While it is true that Texas is perfect for running a solar power system because it’s blessed with ample amount of sunlight all year round, you still need to do your homework first before you make a choice on which solar power system you are going to buy. Below is a quick checklist of things you need to consider when narrowing down your options to one.
Type of Solar Power System

As mentioned earlier, there are three different types of solar system that are currently available in the market: grid-tied, off-grid and hybrid. Depending on your requirements, you need to choose the right kind of solar system to ensure that your power requirements will be met.

  • Grid-tied Solar Power System - connected to a traditional electricity utility grid; doesn’t work when the electric grid is down or when the sun has set
  • Off-Grid Solar Power System - self-sustainable and can run even when the electric grid is down
  • Hybrid Solar Power System - a combination of grid-tied and off-grid solar power system


Solar power systems are known to be low maintenance compared to other types of alternative power source, but it is crucial to choose the right kind from a trusted brand so that you are assured that it will not easily break and at the same time you will be able to maximize its life expectancy.

Warranty is a major deciding factor for just about anything that people buy and this includes solar power systems. It is best to get your system from a provider that offers an attractive warranty period and condition for your peace of mind.
Brand Reputation

Reading online reviews about a certain brand is one great way to find more about the reputation of a solar power system supplier. The better the reviews, the more likely that their products are of high quality.
Provider Maintenance

Any object is bound to break at some point either through the normal wear and tear or because of mishandling. Either way, choosing a supplier that offers, better yet, includes yearly maintenance checkup in their package deal is a good indicator that they want to ensure that your solar panels are in great shape all throughout the year.
The Texas Power Crisis
Power outages due to extreme weather disturbances and rolling blackouts due to power shortage are becoming more and more frequent in Texas these days. This situation is even aggravated by the fact that the power grid infrastructure in this state isn’t getting the upgrade it badly needs so it gets weaker as time goes by. Because of this, the demand for off-grid solar powered generators have increased.
Nature’s Generator is a trusted and reliable brand of off-grid solar power systems that offer a great selection of portable generators. Below is a quick overview of the solar power solutions they offer for your reference.

  • Nature’s Generator - Gold System is the perfect choice if it's for emergency backup power source during unexpected power interruption or you want to test first if a solar power system is for you. This portable generator is best for short, unexpected power outages and you can also take them with you on your camping trip as it comes with a heavy duty cart. It offers a maximum output power of 1800W and comes with 3 types of outlet sources: 3 AC outlets, 2 USB ports and a DC port. It can be recharged in three different ways: through an AC outlet or a solar panel or a wind turbine (sold separately). The wind turbine is a great feature for days (or nights) where there’s a long power failure and there’s not enough sun power to recharge your generator.
  • Another great option is the Nature’s Generator Elite especially if you want more juice out of your solar power system. Essentially, this is Nature’s Generator - Gold System but twice the power at 3600W maximum output.
  • Last but certainly not the least, Nature’s Generator Powerhouse is the one for you if you need a reliable off-grid solar power system that can provide power to . Its maximum 120V/240V 7200W power output is perfect for powering up multiple household items at the same time. Worry not if you feel that the default inclusions isn’t enough for your power needs because this selection is expandable in many ways. You can add additional solar panels, attached wind turbines, add power pods and so much more to increase its maximum potential.

The best thing about Nature’s Generator systems is that they are all upgradeable so that in the future, you wouldn’t need to buy a new generator and instead, just buy the accessories needed to complete the upgrade. May it be an additional power pod or a wind turbine, Nature’s Generator got it for you.
Final Thoughts

Investing on solar panels is definitely worth it in Texas. Not only because the state is a prime location for solar energy but more importantly, with the rising cost of electricity and the constant power outages, the right solar power system will save you money in the long run and bring you comfort and peace of mind.
If you are on the lookout for the perfect solar power system, may it be for your home or your business, we’re more than happy to help you and provide a free quote. Kindly click here for assistance.


  * We want to give credit where credit is due. Professional writer, Ann Mathew, contributed research and content to this blog titled: Are Solar Panels Worth It in Texas? Thank you, Ann, for your contributions!